- Enable Third Party Cookies or change your browser to get the benefits of this web Accessibility tool. Grow!
- Crome 1. Menu, 2. Settings, 3. Privacy, 4. Site Settings, 5. Cookies and site data, 6. Add, 7. Type Atoall.com and Add. 8. Check box.
- Safari 1. Settings, 2. Preferences, 3. Privacy, 4. In Block Cookies, 5. Click on Never.
- Firefox Browser 1. Menu, 2. Options, 3. Privacy, 4. Manege Expections, 5. Type Atoall.com, 6. Enter or Allow, 7. Save.
- Edge 1. Menu, 2. Settings, 3. Privacy, 4. Exceptions, 5. Add a Site, 6. Type Atoall.com, 7. Add.
- If your site is working at non-https then this tool can give you an issue. To Get free ssl visit https://letsencrypt.org/ Setting for cookies
New web accessibility evaluation tool from other web accessibility checking tools or web accessibility testing tools
Robust: users must be able to access the content as technologies advance. The main rule of the WCAG. Private and government websites are following big internet organization's WCAG. Your website is your responsibility, you should
copy / paste this new tool on your websites, get more growth in the world also. Our world has multiple languages and different health conditions of the public. Alphabets of domain names are also away from each other. So, 3 billion people can not type website names easily.
Demo : -
- Open WebAccessibilityTool.com website because this website is using this tool.
Open a new tab.
Press in the new tab ppooii.com
or llkkjj.com. This is a unique tool. -
You will see WebAccessibilityTool.com again and surprised. To open second last, third last websites, etc. click on the icon A.
This easy to use the option you can use for your website also. Get this code from Atoall.com and paste on your website then it will work.
Benefits: -

- This will make you 1 step ahead in the Website Accessibility.
- Great government websites are getting best benefits from the new tech.
- This will make you accessible for 1 billion disabled in the world.
- This will make you friendly for 2 billion regional people in the world.
- This will make you easy for 200 languages people in the world.
- This is 5 times easy to type from all domains that will useful for all.
- This will make you available for millions of Muscular Dystrophy in the world.
- This will make you open for 1 billion simple quality mobiles, computers, net speed holders in the world.
- This will make you more accessible for 1 billion old age people in the world.
- This will make you lifetime open for rural areas in the world.
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